Fourth Grade

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(714) 775-9477


Religion (200 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Attends weekly Mass
  • Discovers that Jesus is our Redeemer
  • Reflects on God’s relationship with His people throughout history as based onunconditional love, revealed through life experience
  • Recognizes that the Church is structured
  • Understands the role of the laity, priests, and thereligious hierarchy of the Church
  • Recognizes Mary as a model of obedience
  • Understands there are laws, rule, and guidelines forour behavior (as exemplified inthe Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes)
  • Realizes our responsibility is to give service to others inour community, and that theChurch plays an active role in our world
  • Understands the dignity of human life and ouruniqueness as created in God’s image
  • Prays spontaneously and formally

Language Arts (625 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

Word Analysis, Fluency, and Vocabulary

  • Attempts to determine the meaning of unknown wordsthrough use of word origins, synonyms, antonyms, androot words
  • Uses roots, prefixes, and suffixes to analyze the meaningof complex words
  • Reads orally with fluency, accuracy, and appropriateinflection and expression at grade level expectations

Reading Comprehension

  • Summarizes, extracts main idea, identifies supportingdetails and sequences events
  • Re-reads to verify or obtain information
  • Makes predictions based on prior knowledge
  • Evaluates and uses new information
  • Distinguishes between cause and effect, fact, and opinion
  • Predicts outcomes, and makes inferences and generalizations
  • Understands analogies
  • Determines author’s purpose for writing and point of view
  • Identifies the plot, setting, characters, and point of viewof a story
  • Identifies use of figurative language, abstract, literal, andinferred meanings

Study and Reference Skills

  • Reads independently on a daily basis, reading pointgoals set every quarter through use ofAccelerated Reader and Scholastic Reading Counts,
  • Selects grade-appropriate reading materials
  • Reads and gathers information from maps, charts,graphs, schedules, time lines, and notices
  • Uses glossary, table of context, and index
  • Alphabetizes to the fifth letter
  • Uses a dictionary, general reference sources, and cardcatalogue


  • Articulates meaning of and uses prefixes, suffixes, nouns,parts of speech, and subject/verb agreement
  • Uses correct punctuation
  • Identifies kinds of sentences and sentence parts
  • Writes social and business letters, explanatoryparagraphs, haiku, and outlines
  • Writes 6-10 sentences, nonfiction, and fiction paragraphsusing a variety of sentence construction and forms with a
    main idea, supporting details, and conclusion
  • Evaluates correctness of grammar, mechanics, clarity,and organization, to revise and prepare a final copy

Listening and Speaking

  • Asks thoughtful questions
  • Identifies major ideas and supporting details in oralpresentations
  • Understands and follows a sequence of directions
  • Makes effective introductions, clearly states purposes, andpresents conclusions when making oral presentations
  • Uses details, examples, or experiences to clarify information
  • Identifies the speaker’s intent
  • Makes narrative and information presentations
  • ecites brief poems
  • Engages critically and constructively in discussions

Mathematics (250 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

Number Sense

  • Understands place value of whole numbers and decimalsto two decimal places and how numbers and decimalsrelateto simple fractions.
  • Uses the concepts of negative numbers
  • Extends use and understanding of whole numbers to theaddition and subtraction of decimals
  • Solves problems involving addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division of whole numbers
  • Factors small whole numbers

Algebra and Functions

  • Uses and interprets variables, symbols, and properties towrite and simplify expressions and sentences
  • Knows how to manipulate equations

Measurement and Geometry

  • Understands perimeter and area
  • Uses two-dimensional coordinate grids to representpoints and graph plots
  • Demonstrates an understanding of plane, solid geometricobjects, and uses this knowledge to show relationships to solve problems

Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

  • Organizes, represents, and interprets numerical and categoricaldata to communicate findings

Math Reasoning

  • Students make decisions about how to approach problems
  • Uses strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions
  • Moves beyond a particular problem by generalizing toother situations

Science (175 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Investigates kinds of matter, distinctive properties, andknowledge that these properties interact with energy inpredictableways
  • Realizes that the Earth is a system that is alwayschanging
  • Analyzes living things and their adaptations for survival indiverse environments
  • Develops a realization that technology produces tools that helpextend human knowledge and capabilities
  • Demonstrates a sense of scientific inquiry to extend knowledgeof earlier scientists and their contributions

Social Studies (175 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

California History

  • Develops an understanding of the concepts of state,diocese, and group structures within a state and theCatholic Church
  • Understands the physical and human geographicfeatures that define places and regions in California
  • Describes the social, political, cultural, and economic lifeand interactions among people of California from the pre-
    Columbian societies to the Spanish mission and Mexicanrancho periods
  • Explains the economic, social, and political life ofCalifornia from the establishment of the Bear FlagRepublic through the Mexican-American War, the GoldRush, and California statehood
  • Explains how California became an agricultural andindustrial power by tracing California’s economy and itspolitical and cultural development since the 1850s.
  • Understands the structure, functions, and powers ofgovernment, including the similarities and differencesamong federal, state, and local governments

Computer (45 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Learns keyboard through the use of touch-typing
  • Continues to polish and enhances formal typing skillsand increasing speed
  • Recognizes and uses the correct terminology
  • Edits text
  • Saves and retrieves word processing files
  • Formats and types paragraphs correctly in word processing
  • Properly starts and shuts down a computer
  • Recognizes the use of a computer as a tool
  • Names the parts of the computer system
  • Learns to save to disk and open files from disks

Physical Education (90 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Develops ball skills
  • Promotes physical fitness through exercise and calisthenics
  • Learns and develops team sport skills, includingbasketball, football, baseball, soccer, and track
  • Participates in relays and agility games
  • Develops teamwork and sportsmanship
  • Participates in Presidential Physical Fitness Program
  • Develops and understanding for physical healthand nutrition

Fine Arts (45 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Develops visual and tactile perception
  • Experiences creative expression in a variety of media
  • Appreciates art heritage from a cultural perspective
  • Appreciates artwork using elements of design, art media,artistic mood, and style through art history

Music (45 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

  • Identifies meter, pulse, and texture in music; recognizespentatonic scales; experiences two and three part forms;recognizes basic notation terms; understands uses oftempo dynamics and tone
  • Sings solo and in a group, improvises simple dances,and develops expressions of creativity
  • Experiences multicultural, liturgical, and ethnic music;recognizes instrumental combinations
  • Appreciates music from a variety of performers andcomposers

Educational Field Trips

Book List
A variety of books are available in the school library. You may print out a list of acceptable books from the school website:

Financial Aid Available

 St. Barbara School is dedicated to remaining affordable. As a tuition-based school, we are committed to helping families who have a desire to be part of the St. Barbara school community. Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families through an application process and supported through the Orange Catholic Foundation.