6th Grade Physical Education (90 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Exercise and Calisthenics and Sports Skills
- Participates in conditioning for the Presidential Physical Fitness Program
- Plays organized agility games exercising Christian sportsmanship
- Acquires knowledge to build responsible decision-making, healthy lifestyles, and general wellness
- Participates in team sports to develop tolerance of others and cooperative skills
- Understands and utilizes rules for organized sports including basketball, football, baseball, and volleyball
7th Grade Physical Education (90 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Exercise, Calisthenics, and Sports Skills
- Participates in the conditioning for the Presidential Physical Fitness Program
- Plays organized agility games exercising Christian sportsmanship
- Acquires knowledge to build responsible decision-making, healthy lifestyles, and general wellness
- Participates in team sports to develop cooperative skills and tolerance of others
- Understands and utilizes rules for organized sports, including basketball, football, baseball, and volleyball
8th Grade Physical Education (90 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
- Exercise, Calisthenics, and Sports Skills
- Participates in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program
- Plays agility games
- Takes part in and learns the rules for basketball, football, baseball, and volleyball
- Builds good sportsmanship and teamwork