After School Programs

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St. Barbara school embraces the idea that much of a child’s learning can happen outside the regular school day. We have a wide variety of after-school programs available to our students: All Things Science, Soccer Shots, instrumental music, cheerleading, chess club, liturgical choir, and our extended care program.

All Things Science

One of our after-school programs for grades K-5 hosts engaging and interactive activities that focus on different aspects of science, including robotics, rockets, math, and engineering.

The program meets once a week in four 8-week sessions.

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Soccer Shots

Soccer Shots after-school soccer program is designed to instill character, confidence, and an active lifestyle in kids grades K-5. Every participant receives high-quality soccer instruction from former pro and collegiate players, a free t-shirt, and a chance to earn prizes. 

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Instrumental Music

In partnership with Mater Dei High School, St. Barbara offers an instrumental music program twice a week, with the opportunity to participate in concerts on campus as well as with Mater Dei. No music experience is necessary to join. This is open to grades 4-8.

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Instrumental Music Photos


St. Barbara School has a long tradition of excellence in cheerleading, including several local and national championships. Graduates from St. Barbara School who participated in cheerleading have gone on to cheer at the high school level as well as earning scholarships for cheerleading in college. Cheer helps develop coordination and balance, two skills that are vital to growth and can be applied to other sports and activities.

Cheer is open to all students in grades TK-8. Cheerleading includes competitive dance, sideline, and show cheer. The team participates in local and regional competitions.

Chess Club

The ancient game of chess exercises both sides of the brain by developing logic, critical thinking, and creativity. It increases concentration and memory, improves reading skills, and helps develop problem-solving skills. Join our Chess club every Tuesday after school.

Liturgical Choir

Our liturgical choir is open to all students TK-8 who want to be part of our weekly Mass and praise with song. Singing is important because it builds self-confidence, promotes self-esteem and social inclusion, and enables students of different ages and abilities to come together in praise and worship.  Choir meets on Monday and Wednesday after school.

liturgical choir

Extended Care Program

St. Barbara Catholic School offers Extended Care whenever school is in session. The on-site staff coordinates this program as an extension of the school day. Supervised outside play and homework/study time are available for any student enrolled in the St. Barbara Extended Care program from 3:00 (or early dismissal time) – 6:00 PM whenever school is in session.

Financial Aid Available

 St. Barbara School is dedicated to remaining affordable. As a tuition-based school, we are committed to helping families who have a desire to be part of the St. Barbara school community. Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families through an application process and supported through the Orange Catholic Foundation.